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Leadership Mentoring

What is Leadership Mentoring?


Here's what you need to know.

What is Mentoring?

Mentoring is sharing knowledge, skills and life experience to guide another towards reaching their full potential; it’s a journey of shared discovery.


Mentoring is a positive, supportive relationship, encouraging mentees to develop to their fullest potential.
Mentoring is multi-faceted; it can be formal or informal and may change and evolve as the needs of the mentee change. A mentor can be a role model, coach, sounding board, voice of reason, counsellor and a trusted resource. Mentors care and assure their mentee that they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges. They help the mentee believe that they matter.


Quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on people in a variety of personal, academic and professional situations. Ultimately, mentoring connects a helping practitioner to personal and professional growth and development.

What do Mentors do?

Mentors listen objectively and act as a sounding board. They ask questions that encourage mentees to look at issues from a variety of perspectives and focus on problem-solving, decision-making and solutions. They challenge traditional ways of thinking and encourage strategies outside of their mentee’s comfort zone.
Mentors can prepare their mentees for professional careers and assist with their workplace skills. They raise the bar regarding a mentee’s potential and provide guidance, support, encouragement and constructive feedback.

What is the impact of Mentoring?

Mentoring can make a profound difference to the lives of mentees, and in turn strengthen our communities, economies and countries.


The presence of a caring mentor can make the difference between realising one’s potential or failing to achieve one’s dreams.


Research has shown that people with mentors have more positive visions of themselves and their futures. They also achieve more positive outcomes in academia, in the workplace and in their communities.


As your Mentor I'll work with you as you make progress with your own personal and professional development as a leader.  I'll support you, encourage you and challenge you to become an inspirational, transformational leader whom people will want to follow.


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